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A challenge with customer support these days is preventing it from becoming robotic and impersonal. Finding how to contact a brand can be often difficult for customers. Then the back and forth can get lost in a swamped inbox. Now, with a Gorgias / Voyage integration, you can communicate directly with consumers to reduce friction and increase brand loyalty.

This allows consumers to easily open support tickets in Gorgias by texting a trigger keyword to your Voyage send phone number. Use your Gorgias dashboard to communicate with consumers in their communication channel of choice: SMS.


Gorgias Setup

To connect Gorgias and Voyage, start by logging in to your Gorgias account. Click on the main ellipses drop down menu in the top left corner [1] so you can select Settings [2]. From there, click on Integrations [3] then find the HTTP integration option and click on it [4]:


Click on Add HTTP Integration in the top right corner:


Give your integration an appropriate name [1], and uncheck options until only Ticket message created [2] is selected.

The URL field [3] should contain the address:

Client_ID is your own Client ID string taken from your Voyage account, in Settings > Account > Client ID.

Set HTTP Method to Post [4] and both Request/Response content type should be set to application/json [5]. There are no headers. For the Request Body (JSON) option drop down, set it to "Send the entire/ticket message JSON" [6]. When all those values have been set, click Add Integration [7]:


Now you'll navigate to Gorgias' REST API menu [1], where you'll find important values you'll need to copy over to Voyage such as your Base API URL [2] and your Username [3]. If you don't see a Password (API Key) [4] you may need to simply click the blue button to generate one. We recommend opening a new browser tab so you can keep these values accessible, or copy them to a temporary text file:


Under the General category within Gorgias Settings, click on Integrations [1]. Click on the Email option [2]:


This is where your Gorgias email addresses are listed. Decide which one you'd like to use for your Voyage integration, and keep this tab open or copy the email address to a secure location as you follow along with the Voyage Setup steps below.

Voyage Setup

Now log into your Voyage account, and click on the Integrations main menu item [1]. Look for Gorgias in the list [2] and click Activate to the right [3]. You'll see an Edit option if the integration is already active:


On the Setup Integration page, you'll copy and paste values from Gorgias into the fields. Username [1], Password [2], and API Base Address [3] values are all found on the Gorgias Rest API page as described above. Email [4] is from the Integrations > Email area in Gorgias as described above.

Your Reply Message [5] is the auto response you'd like to send whenever someone submits a ticket through SMS. For example, "Hi! Thank you for reaching out, we will be in touch shortly. Text 'CLOSE' if you would like to close this inquiry." The optional Pass all unidentified keywords toggle [6] will send any messages not recognized by Voyage (e.g. list building campaign keywords) directly into your Gorgias Ticketing system. When done click Next [7]:


Then set up your Auto-Reply by defining your own custom Trigger Keyword [1]. Note, if customers specifically send the word HELP then the "Help" Reply Message [2] will be auto-sent. That is a reserved keyword. All other reply questions will be responded to with the Automated Reply Message [3]. Notice we included the custom keyword "AssistMe" in both messages [4] to fully utilize the Gorgias integration. Click Next [5] when you are done composing your messages:


That's it! Your integration with Gorgias should be all set up:


Capabilities of Integration

You can leverage the Gorgias / Voyage integration in the following ways:

  • Make a top impression with your consumers directly through text message conversations

  • Allow consumers to text a keyword such as "ASSIST103" to open a support ticket in Gorgias

  • Reply to these support tickets directly in Gorgias which sends an SMS to the consumer on the same phone number they receive marketing message

Note: Don't add Voyage keyword campaigns that use keywords you want the Gorgias integration to capture. Also, remember to try UNSTOP during your testing, if SMS messages are not coming through.

If you have any additional questions please contact us at [email protected].

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