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Custom Keyed Entry
Updated over a week ago

We highly recommend that you use Custom Keyed Entry for desktop modal and landing pages only. The dual-tap button method performs significantly better on mobile than keyed entry.

Obtain a List Building Campaign ID

You'll need a List Building campaign ID to follow along with the rest of the API instructions. To get a campaign ID, click on List Building [1], then click on New List Building Campaign [2]:


Select Modal [1], give your campaign a name [2], and click Next [3]:


On the next screen select Desktop [1] before clicking Next [2]:


Now we want to modify your blocklist, so select the Settings tab [1]. You can change whatever other flow settings you need, then expand the Allowlist / Blocklist [2]:


You need to enter this pattern in your Allowlist / Blocklist:


We still don't have the List Building campaign ID yet at this point. To generate one you'll need to save your current List Building campaign as a draft. After saving it as a draft, you'll be taken back to the List Building campaign list. Click on the three dots under Options [1] and select Edit Modal [2]:


Under the Design tab [1], choose Edit Source Code [2]:


There you will see your campaign ID [1] along with a one-click button to copy it to your clipboard [2]. Save this number for the next steps:


API Specifications

Technical details associated with making the API request are as follows. You can also see an example in the section Using JavaScript below.


Payload: Replace the campaignId value in this code with your Campaign ID, and ensure phone numbers are properly formatted with a + and the country code according to E.164 format:

{        "phoneNumber": "" (e.g., +13108293002),     "campaignId":  (e.g., 1234),}

Expected Responses

200 Already Subscribed

201 Subscribed Successful

Example Payload with Optional Attributes

{   "phoneNumber": "+15555555555",  "campaignId": 1234,  "attributes": {    "email": "[email protected]"  }}

Using JavaScript

This is an example that you can use to send the phone number to Voyage from the client-side of your application. The Voyage Global Tag must be included within your element.

You will then need to pass the Campaign ID and Phone Number below to our system when a user submits their phone number.


voyage.subscribe(, { campaignId:  });

campaignId: (Required) The identifier for the List Building campaign to submit to.
attributes: An object containing key-value pairs of attributes to store for the subscriber.

Example Attributes Submission

voyage.subscribe('15555555555', {   campaignId: 1234,   attributes: {    crmId: 5678,    email: "[email protected]",    birthDate: "01/01/0001",    color: "blue"  }});

Example HTML Form Submission

Performance Statistics

When comparing performance of keyed entry versus dual-tap on mobile, the dual-tap method consistently, drastically outperforms keyed entry on mobile. Below are statistics detailing this performance gap. Keyed entry should be reserved for specific use cases where dual-tap is not possible including for desktop SMS opt-in.


Statistics: keyed entry modal versus dual tap method. CTR is 20x higher for dual-tap method.

If you have any additional questions please contact us at [email protected].

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