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Subscriber Reports
Updated over a week ago

At times you may want to export data associated with your marketing efforts. Just follow along with these simple instructions to backup your data. You can chose the data columns you'd like to export.

Navigate to the Reporting main menu item [1] and click on the Subscriber Reports [2] tab. where you can see a full list of any previously generated reports [3]. If this is your first time here, you'll want to click + Create Report [4] to continue:


On the next screen you'll see the recommended data points expanded by default [1]. Select them all, or only the ones that matter most to you. You can optionally expand All Data Points [2] and chose from that pool as well. When you are done, scroll to the bottom and click on Create Report:


You'll be taken back to the Reporting main page, where you should see your new report at the bottom of the list with a status of Created. Depending on how many subscribers you have, and on how many data points you included, the report generation could take some time.

You will get an email once the report is ready, or you can check back on this status page. Here is a more in-depth explanation for each data point column:

Data Points Glossary

Data Point


All Campaign Received Names

List of all campaigns received by the subscriber

First Click Campaign Name

The campaign in which the subscriber first clicked on a link

First Click Date

Date in which the subscriber first clicked on a link

First Optin Campaign

The campaign in which the subscriber first opted in

First Purchase Amount

Amount in dollars for the first purchase made by the subscriber

First Purchase Campaign

The campaign in which the subscriber first made a purchase attributed to the campaign

First Purchase Date

The date on which the subscriber first made a purchase

First Subscribed Date

Date in which the subscriber first subscribed to your list

Is Currently Subscribed

Whether or not the contact is currently subscribed

Last Status Updated

Last date when subscriber's status was updated

Optin Campaign ID

The unique id of the campaign the subscriber first opted in

Other Optin Campaign Names

List of all campaigns the subscriber opted into after initial opt-in

Second Purchase Amount

Amount in dollars for the 2nd purchase made by the subscriber

Second Purchase Date

The date on which the subscriber made their second purchase

Sms Msg Confirmation

The confirmation message received by the subscriber during opt-in

Sms Msg First

The keyword the subscriber used to opt-in

Sms Msg Second

The second SMS message a subscriber received

Subscriber Id

The unique subscriber identifier

Total Click Count

Total number of times the subscriber clicked on link from any campaign

Total Messages Received

Total number of messages received by the subscriber

Total Purchase Amount

Total amount in dollars for all the purchases the subscriber has made

Total Purchase Count

Total number of purchases the subscriber has made that are attributed to campaigns

Total Segment Cost

Total cost of segments spent for this subscriber

Total Segment Received

Total number of segments received by the subscriber

Unsubscribed Campaign Name

The campaign the subscriber received prior to sending opt-out keyword

Unsubscribed Date

Date in which the subscriber unsubscribed from your list

If you have any additional questions please contact us at [email protected].

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